
The fact behind nicotine smoking.

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Nicotine is actually a drug that is found naturally in tobacco.It is highly addictive,as addictive as heroin and cocaine.When nicotine enters the body,it will be distributed in the body via the bloodstream and bind to nicotinic receptor located at adrenal medulla and central nervous system.

Binding of nicotine to nicotine receptor at adrenal medulla will cause release of adrenaline(stimulatory hormone).Effect of adrenaline include:

  • increase heart rate
  • increase blood pressure
  • increase respiration rate
  • increase glucose level
Binding of nicotine to nicotine receptor at central nervous system in other hand will cause release of dopamine that act on reward center of the brain.This will generate up sense of pleasure,relaxation,calmness and euphoria to the smoker.Nicotine will also reduce appetite and increase rate of metabolism and thus smokers will reduce body weight as a consequence.

Research shows that high level of nicotine in blood will produce calming and pain-killing effect while low dose of nicotine in blood will stimulate nerve transmission thus producing alertness effect.This may be the reason behind the smokers smoking behaviour ,whether they take a good deep puffs or just short puffs.

So scientifically,these are the effects of nicotine towards a human body.Sounds good right?Sense of pleasure,relax,calm..hmm...who does`nt want this kind of feeling?
But beware people,nicotine is a natural drug and highly addictive,as addictive as heroin and cocaine.Therefore,in my next entry,i`ll write all the down side of tobacco smoking and let our wise mind decide whether to continue smoking or not.

Till then,take care people!